
您是否正在考虑移居秘鲁,但不知道会发生什么?在本文中,InterNations GO!为您提供有关这个壮观的安第斯国家的有用信息。借助我们的签证要求,住宿,医疗保健和交通提示,移居秘鲁将是一项简单得多的任务!

Relocating to Peru

Peru is a delightful destination for expats seeking an altogether different lifestyle. While moving there may seem a bit frightening at first, possibly due to a lack of background knowledge, rest assured that you are not making a mistake. Peruvians are usually friendly and open people interested in sharing their culture with foreigners. You will be taken in not only by the beautiful scenery of the country, but also by the warmth of its inhabitants!

A Large Gap between the Rich and the Poor

Upon moving to Peru you may experience some culture shock, especially concerning the Peruvian lifestyle. As there is a lot of poverty in this country, you may find that the extremely poor and the extremely rich coexist very closely and side by side, especially in large cities such as Arequipa and Lima. However, the cost of living is generally very affordable.

Should you be moving to one of the country’s larger cities, you will be happy to know that most amenities are common, contrary to what some negative stereotypes may insinuate. Telephone, internet, television, electricity, and plumbing are available virtually everywhere. Internet, telephone, and gasoline prices can be slightly higher compared to what you may be used to paying. However, the cost of these utilities is balanced out by the comparatively low price of food.

Generally speaking, most expats who made the move to Peru are happy to have done so, as the Peruvian lifestyle is very laidback and relaxed. In Peru, you’ll have the chance to get a taste of the South American flair!

Accommodate Your Needs

You should be aware that the way of life in Peru is quite different from what you may be used to. Most people moving to the larger cities, such as Arequipa or Lima (find more information in our article on living in Peru) tend to reside in apartment houses. There is, however, a wide variety of housing options: high-rise apartment buildings, single-family homes, and smaller suburban housing. However, Peru has a severe housing shortage, which forces many less fortunate families to live in squatter settlements on the periphery of cities.

Most expats moving to Peru tend to avoid staying in rural areas, as there are fewer job opportunities and cultural offerings available. Peru’s urban districts are often very packed, and slums are not uncommon on the outskirts of larger metropolitan areas. It is best to use a realtor when looking for accommodation, as they will most likely be more adept at helping you solidify your move to Peru.

Keep in mind that most housing is unfurnished and without kitchen appliances. Furnished apartments are rare and relatively expensive.

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